Because log and timber cabins have less design flexibility compared to traditional homes, it is important to find an architect that understands the structure and details of these types of homes. Whether you’re developing a summer retreat or building a year-round residence, your unique situation requires a personalized approach.

Differences Between Log & Timber Cabins

At Fazio Custom Homes, we have relationships with leaders in Northern Michigan’s building industry. Those relationships include degreed architects who we call-on during high-level building projects – including custom log cabins and timber homes. Along with experience working with those styles, we’ve also developed sustainable and energy-efficient designs that decrease heating costs.

In-addition to geo-thermal structures, here are a few types of homes we develop – along with information on how to decide which option is most appropriate for you:

Timber Frame – Blending a modern feel with rustic building materials, timber affords more flexibility from an architectural perspective. That’s why we take time to learn about the features that you desire. We also source materials from reputable lumber yards. Even after we receive those raw resources, we inspect them to ensure that we’re not working with ‘green’ or damaged goods.

Log Cabin – Typically referred to ‘normal form’ – this style of log cabin incorporates rounded features. This results in fewer embellishments than the aforementioned timber frame designs; however, there’s still opportunity to build an individualized structure by using the surrounding environment. During the early stages of your project, we will talk about how the attributes of your property can be utilized to differentiate your home’s appearance.

Ready to Build Your
Michigan Dream Home?

Contact Fazio Custom Homes today and schedule a meeting.

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